4/24 RBI & speed base-running

I have no clue why I have so many two-out RBI. Ron Washington pointed it out to me last year. He told me that with two outs, I drive in more runs than I do with less than two outs. He was trying to figure out what my approach was. I said, I’m just trying to bring them in, bottom line. I don’t know. When you see a guy out there, you have to try to keep your focus and try not to do too much and not change anything as far as trying to put the ball in play. I try to relax a little more and just touch the ball — I learned that from Bobby Abreu. He’s unbelievable driving guys in. Just hit it where it’s pitched and sort of flick at the ball and let it hit your bat instead of really trying to drive the ball into the gap.

I don’t think about the pitcher at all, not one bit. I try to stick to my game plan and try to keep it simple and clear my head as much as possible. The more you start thinking, the more you forget about the ball. I just try to see the ball and put it in a good spot and not try to do too much.

I’ve always run fast. No. 1, coming up, watching Scott Rolen. Two, I don’t want to show up anybody. Regardless of what happens, you hit the ball, you might see it go out, but when you get around the bases, get around to make sure you’re not showing up any pitchers. There’s one way I play the game and that’s hard. I believe that’s important. Just get aorund the bases, get home, high five and get ready for defense.

Rolen may not be that fast but he runs hard around the bases. You watch him — he hits homers, puts his head down and runs around the bases. It’s one thing that stuck in my head. it’s pretty cool because my cousin Roger, his son was playing and hit a home run and ran around the bases fast. Roger asked him why he ran around the bases that way, and he said, “That’s what Marlon does.” I’ll take a guy sprinting around the bases over someone who takes 40 seconds to get around on a homer.

— Marlon


  1. dlee182

    Hey Marlon! Just wanted to leave a note that my friends and I were just discussing lat night about how much effort you put in on every play. Nice slide at home plate last night! We appreciate a player who goes out and gives it everything on every night. Keep up the great work! GO CUBBIES!!!

  2. cubsfanjen

    “That’s what Marlon does.” I think that’s the perfect answer right there. Another great game tonight, Marlon – love watching ya!

  3. john14six

    Hey Marlon, do you talk to the other guys on the team about having that same kind of approach when they go up to bat. Maybe they’re thinking too much about the situation or some scenerio. When all they need to do is exactly what you do and just say “I need to find a way to bring them in and just touch the ball” Sometimes maybe they just think too much and think their way into a third out. Thanks for coming to Chicago and tell Ramirez to get off his high horse and listen to Rudy. Ramirez is good but he can be Great if he just humble himself for the Team.

  4. stove

    Love watching you round the bases with the quickness. Keep up the good work! Also, what’s your favorite Little Brother track?

  5. dntbrndpig

    Thank you for hustling! I get so frustrated watching players jog down the baselines or in the outfield. They are making too much money to jog.

    You are doing an awesome job in Chicago. Proud to have you on the team. Even prouder at the example you are setting for the team, young players (including your cousin), and the city itself.

    Go Cubbies!

  6. welikeroywelikeroy

    It makes the pitcher feel like he is in for a long day, running around the bases like that after a homer. Like he is going ot have to work for everything against you guys. I like it. I find it more intimidating than the other options.

  7. nictrain35

    You have great instincts Marlon. I knew you were a good player, I had no idea how good! Glad you’re on our side.

  8. rangerfandieter

    Hey Marlon,
    awesome that you now have a blog!! Miss you here in Texas. Hope all is well and I hope you have a monster season for the Cubbies!! See you later this season in Texas!!

  9. phez

    I love Byrd’s style. Great attitude about running around bases and just hussling in general. He doesn’t slack off. Love the comraderie I see in the outfield when he is around. Byrd is definitely a favorite player!! Hot bat!

  10. elusiveclarity

    I’m a Red Sox fan, but as a fan of a team that were underdogs for so many decades, I’ve always appreciated the Cubs and I always root for them to win the NL.

    That said, Byrd has made me even more a Cubs fan. What a class act. I first started really noticing him last year in Texas. The guy is so consistent, a truly great player.

  11. wolf76

    Marlon if the season ended tomorrow you would be the Cubs MVP keep up the great play. I feel if this team can get a little streak going were going to give the Cards a run for there money. One thing we have over them is depth in our pitching.
    and that will show up when we get into late July and August. Go Cubs.

  12. kbella68@hughes.net

    I hated it when the Cubs decided not to sign Reed Johnson, but they got a hard-working, classy, great player to take his place. Go, Byrd. I love your attitude and your hard work. Glad your a Cub. Keep up the good work.

  13. rickavernus@yahoo.com

    Marlon Byrd is the best thing that happened for the Cubs and Chicago in a very long time. I’ve been a hard-core Cub fan for 20 years now, and I can’t remember liking a player as much as I like Marlon. Marlon if you’re reading this, we love you man! It’s players like you that make this such a great game. We hope your here for a very long time! Rick.

  14. cubbies73

    Welcome to the Cubs Marlon! You have quickly became one of my favorite players. You hustle everyday no matter what’s going on and I respect that. I hope you have many more years in Chicago. 🙂

  15. vandelay

    Byrd is the Wyrd!
    Anyway, I love the Victory hug after every win. Tell Soriano that we hug in Chicago now, no hops. Hope to see at least 90 hugs this season.

    Keep it up Big Byrd!

  16. dmpaup@gmail.com

    Marlon, keep up the great work.

    I know you guys don’t need any distractions now, but have you looked into the new AZ anti-immigrant law? Basically, it legalizes police harassment of anyone who looks like he or she might be an illegal immigrant (i.e., is not white). I bring this up because I don’t see how MLB can do spring training there with that law on the books. Maybe you should talk to your player rep. If the Cubs and other teams started making plans now for going to FL next yr, maybe the AZ folks would notice. Just a thought.

  17. Brewers Fan

    i hate the cubs i cant stand them they are all jerks especially alfonso soriano i mean come on he makes stupid choices he drops the ball all the time and lets face it the cubs havent won in a century.

  18. joshua_reinhardt@yahoo.com

    Hey Marlon,
    When you got signed to the Cubs I didn’t really know who you were because I don’t really follow the American league but my Step-Dad, who is a White Sox fan does and the first thing he told me when I mentioned to him that we picked you up this off season was, “Marlon Byrd, that guy seems like a real class act, stand-up guy.” After watching your interviews and how you play out there I am in complete agreement with that sentiment. Have a great season and I look forward to watching you patrol center. Cheers.

  19. gmstroik@gmail.com

    Not only are you a great player but your attitude is very positive. I love to watch you play. Me and my father watch every game and you are becoming our favorite player.You are just what our cubbies needed to roll this year!I also love your sense of humor on the field,it’s nice to see players having fun out there.Thank you for coming to Chicago!!

  20. mlb@cyranojoe.com

    I absolutely loved Reed Johnson for his style of play, and was crushed when he wasn’t re-signed by the Cubs. Fortunately, I got him local, here in L.A. — but even more fortunately, the Cubbies brought in a hella gamer in you, Marlon! Just like Fukudome altered the style of the whole team when he first came in — smart at-bats and BBs increased exponentially — I believe that your hard work, dedication, and flair for the business at hand — playing smart baseball and winning games! — will really help the rest of the team. Thank you for doing what you do, man!

    One more note: we all know you weren’t the Cubs’ “first” choice to replace the previous MB. But I could NOT be happier with the result. You’re awesome!!

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